It stands to reason that if every time you open your mouth you’re shouted down you’ll be less inclined to speak. This is the effect that the ESG movement is having on sensible, well-run businesses with great products and services. Have a look at the marketing copy of just about every corporation these days. The likelihood is that the content is trying desperately to stay within the parameters defined by the corporate woke-police. The result is bland, meaningless nonsense that impresses no-one. Embrace this approach to campaigning and you’ll face oblivion. The corporatists will always win if you play their game.
But it doesn’t need to be this way. Because, let’s face it, your customers want to know what you have to say - rather than have to wade through a morass of clichéd nonsense.
Remember that the reason you’re in business is to make money, reward your employees and provide goods and services that delight your customers. Do these three things really well - and tell people how you do it - and you’ll be rewarded with a huge competitive advantage.
But getting the word out is an even greater challenge.
Over the last two decades I have worked with dozens of clients who have complex stories to tell. Perhaps they are selling financial services to institutions. Or perhaps they have enterprise class technology solutions. Or they are startups wanting to disrupt an existing market. In most instances they have to construct an argument - and back it up with evidence, the thoughts of market influencers, or early adopters. And having collected this evidence the next challenge is to get it out there using events, social media and video. The role I have played is ensuring that my clients adopt a confident voice, convey the benefits of their products and services, and can stand up to scrutiny by people who may just wish to pick holes or point-score.
What I try to get across is the need for an unwavering focus on your agenda - not that of supranational agenda setters or the current flavour of government. Because those things will change as rapidly as the weather. You have a more important story to tell - it’s your story, and your organisation’s story.
But it’s not as easy as it used to be. Prior to 2020 most entrepreneurial businesses operated ethically. Now it seems that the ground-rules have been changed for in-crowd corporates that are designated as part of the chosen few. Often these businesses have vast resources designed to get around rules and regulations and procurement processes. The result is unfairness, nepotism and unethical trading. To survive, you may have to call out such behaviour when you see it - and assemble the evidence you need to support your arguments.
I’m planning a series of workshops to discuss these issues and how I, and my associate network, might support your content driven campaigns in the ‘new era’. If you’d like to schedule an initial Zoom call please email me on and we can discuss an in-person workshop for your go-to-market team. I look forward to hearing from you.