There’s much to be concerned about. Who would have predicted that the government interventions that have happened over the last 2+ years would have happened in a free democratic state? The consequences for civil society are obvious. Businesses and industry bodies alike have responded - and government overreach has been highlighted. New campaign groups have also been formed.
But applying modern communications tactics - and knowing how to avoid widespread de-platforming and censorship of informed opinion - are critical for effective campaigns and programmes.
I have worked with dozens of clients companies over three decades and have developed very effective methods for influencing the debate. In the last two years I have worked with organisations that need to better understand the new era - where geopolitics and regulation have never played such big parts in business decision-making.
This short video (that was made before 2020) highlights some of our capability around content creation and researched editorial for public policy campaigns. Happy to chat if you’d like to better understand our capabilities.